Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sonidos de la Manana / Sounds of the Morning

Each morning I wake up in my bungalow (my room is a converted 2nd floor storage room that is separate from the house), and outside my two large windows, I see my beautiful avocado tree (I have actually eaten some of them too!) and hear the following sounds:

--Roosters (love those little guys because their wake-up call reminds me of my cousins, Mena and Angelos' farm in Southern Italy)
--Birds (like in Cindarella)
--Fireworks and other loud bangs that sounds like fireworks but I'm not sure!
--Dogs (not so pleasant)...they especially hate the loud fireworks
--Church bells...pretty often they play Ave Maria - which is very sentimental to me in my Epsicopal upbringing

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